It’s common knowledge that a good night’s sleep is what sets us all for the day. Without one, it can sometimes become nearly impossible to efficiently carry on our daily activities. Many things can sometimes disrupt our good night’s sleep, and they have nothing to do with our biological clock. Most famously, the notorious blood-feeders: bed bugs.

It’s pretty infuriating to see the signs and effects of bug bites without actually seeing the pesky little creatures. In this short guide, we’ll tell you the few warning signs to watch out for, as well as what to do when you find these bites.

So, what to do when you can’t find bed bugs but have bites?

There are always telltale signs when you suddenly get bites randomly, whether the main issue is because of other insects, a particular harmful habit, or even an allergic reaction. Let’s look at a few steps you should take to find the reason behind those bites.

Look For the Warning Signs And Inspect Your Place Of Sleep

The first thing you should do is carefully inspect your room, especially your bed and the area surrounding it. The first telltale signs of bed bugs are tiny brown spots on mattresses. Many of those brownish spots are always a sign of an infestation. Remember, bed bugs can come from anywhere. These tiny creatures latch themselves onto anything, from suitcases to coats to scarfs.

They travel well-hidden, and once they reach an area that works for them, they make themselves at home and start reproducing using dead skin cells as an energy source. To prevent this from happening, you should always clean your mattress and sheets and check them for signs of infestation. You should also avoid sitting on your bed with your outdoor clothes and avoid putting any bags that were outside on your bed until you shake them off pretty well.

If you happen to find an infestation or any signs of it, you should call pest control, and they’ll take it from there. Don’t attempt to try and work on your own because it can have dire consequences.

Look Over Your Bites Carefully

You should carefully inspect those bites, as the shape, colour, and position can help identify where they came from. Bed bugs aren’t the only ones that can bite you at night. Mosquitos, spiders, ants, and other small insects can sometimes play a role too.

It’s critical to determine the type of bite you have to be able to find out what caused it. For example, is the bite more of a rash or actual small bites that literally scream “bite”? Are they evenly spread out or just random spots throughout your body?

Remember that not everything that looks like a bug bite is one. For example, hives, fungal infections, and miliaria resemble bug bites in shape and size. Seek out a doctor if you suspect any of those conditions.

Monitor Those Bites Attentively

While regular bites can cause you to feel uncomfortable and give you the urge to scratch them, they don’t last for a long time. Suppose you notice that those bites aren’t getting smaller but rather growing in size, swelling, getting inflamed, or bleeding. In that case, you should seek medical attention immediately. Regular bed-bites are generally not that extreme. So, this could be the result of an allergic reaction.

It may also turn out to just be a skin problem or an infection of some sort. In that case, a trip to the doctor is needed. Don’t ignore any warning signs with those bites because they might have severe consequences. It can also help find out the type of bugs, other than bed bugs that live in your region, which also tend to bite. Those can include chiggers and/or mites, spiders like the Black Widow spider and the brown recluse spider, ticks, and mosquitos.

Take Precautions

To prevent such bites from other insects, you should begin by cleaning up your room to eliminate the existence of those insects. Cleaning up the room very well and making sure there isn’t any leftover food is a good start.

You can also call pest control if you suspect that the situation is getting out of hand and you need a little help controlling the issue.
If you have pets, they might be the reason. For example, dogs and cats living in the same house mean that there’s a possibility that they have fleas or other types of bugs. To help eradicate the issue, make sure to take your pets to the vet and eliminate those causes early on.

If they happen to be infected with anything, you should start treating them right away, and you should call pest control to clean up and disinfect your room. Afterwards, you should keep your pet out of your room until you’re sure they’re flea-free.

How To Know If You Have A Bed Bug Problem

There are usually telltale signs to look out for if you suspect a bed bug infestation. Because bed bug bites can look like other, regular insect bites, it’s best to look out for the other signs.

The most obvious telltale sign is finding actual bugs on your bed. Other things that are also very common are little eggs or eggshells. Some bugs even leave shed skin behind. A lot of bed bugs leave small black dots as excrement. Those are pretty obvious and can be spotted on your mattress or sheets, mainly if you use sheets that are lighter in colour.

Also, be on the lookout for reddish, coppery stains. These can be found on mattresses or sheets and are a result of the bugs being crushed.
Finally, bed bugs usually leave a trail of brown spots behind. Be on the lookout for those on ceilings, window frames, and door frames.


While it’s not easy to find the root cause behind those bites, any small digging will help you figure out the main culprit behind this issue. And remember, the moment you feel the situation getting out of hand, call pest control immediately. Nothing is worth losing sleep over, especially bed bugs and any other insect that might be behind it.