Bed bugs are dark, tiny, flat insects that slightly resemble ladybirds. They can’t fly, though, and usually walk or latch themselves to objects.

The terrible thing about these insects is that they suck human blood. Their bites are nasty and can wake a person from a deep sleep. Not to mention the mental health risks these bugs could cause.

Bed bugs spread so easily, and at the same time, they’re extremely difficult to get rid of. To exterminate these little beasts, you need to find them first. So what draws bed bugs out of hiding?

The General Preferences of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs survived intense fumigation end deliberate extermination decades ago. That didn’t work too well, though; despite the use of highly toxic chemicals like DDT., the bugs just went into hiding while everyone thought they’d gone extinct.

To successfully lure out bed bugs from their secure spots, it’s best to examine them. Understanding what they’re fond of is key to eliminating the savage little things.

Bed Bugs Are Nocturnal Creatures

Bed bugs are hiding when you sleep and can adjust to your sleeping regime. If you sleep during the day, they will crawl out of the cracks to feed during the day. Thus, they’re pretty much invisible. This is caused by survival instincts, of course, as it gives them an edge over humans.
You can tell that they infest a place from the bites, plus the excrement spots they leave around.

Bed Bugs Will Put Up a ‘Do Not Disturb Sign

Bed bugs aren’t fast-moving insects like flees or mosquitoes. They barely walk all the distance from their hiding spots to where the humans are sleeping. Once they’re done, they retrace their steps back. After a feed, bed bugs become swollen with blood and somewhat lethargic. They wouldn’t even come out for a blood meal for a few days.

The only thing they seem to want is not to be disturbed. That’s why they pick their hiding spots as far away as possible from any disruptive activities. The lower side of the mattress, bed joints, the underside of a carpet, and the creases of a drape are all excellent hiding places. The cracks in the wall, though more secure, might be too distant from the bed. So they could be the next best thing for bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Are Attracted to Body Heat

This is one of the main indicators that there’s a human, i.e. fresh blood, in the vicinity. Bed bugs have an uncanny ability to know when a person is in the room and when exactly that person falls asleep.

Bed Bugs Love the Smell of Carbon Dioxide

Carbon dioxide is another indicator that a human is asleep nearby. Thus, it’s like a dinner bell for bed bugs.

Bed Bugs Are Attracted to Your Night Odour .. Kairomones

There are many biochemicals that humans, and other mammals, secrete to communicate certain states. Kairomones are quite similar to pheromones. Their function is different, though, as they’re given off while a person is sleeping.

How to Draw Bed Bugs Out of Their Hiding

Bed bugs are immune to almost all extermination methods as long as they remain in their deep cracks. The best chance to beat them is to find the bed bugs and get them out in the open. Having learned what attracts them, you can use that intel to great advantage.

  1. Turn off the light, or at least dim the room. Nocturnal feeders are averse to light and being exposed.
  2. Be in the room. Bed bugs detect the presence of humans. And if the said humans are asleep, that would trigger their radars even more.
  3. Place a source of heat in the room. Since body heat attracts bed bugs, it would be a nice trick to lure them out with a device set at the same temperature.
  4. Release some carbon dioxide near their hiding spots. Bed bugs find this gas irresistible, as it signifies that a person is sleeping nearby. Humans normally breathe out plenty of carbon dioxide as they fall into a deep slumber.
  5. Finally, disturb the places where the bed bugs usually hide. Remove all the clothes from the floor, hake up the curtains, turn the mattress upside down, air the bedding in the sun, and clean up all the rugs.

There’s a little snag here, though; all these methods work as long as the bed bugs are hungry and want to go out for a feed. When they’re fed, bed bugs typically remain in their hiding places to digest all the blood they sucked. The usual temptations for them to come out might just fall flat.
Thus, a little patience is needed. Eventually, the pangs of hunger would hit, and they’d leave the cracks. It’s wise then to repeat the elimination methods several times.

What Works and What Doesn’t With Bed Bugs?

Over the years, there were some ‘urban legends’ surrounding the presence of these nocturnal bloodsuckers. Admittedly, these bugs are so sophisticated and stealthy that combating them is quite the challenge. Moreover, they come out and go back into hiding for reasons that aren’t clear to everyone. That’s why there’s much theorising on the matter and street-smart methods for combating the wily bugs. Here are some of these interesting ‘myths’:

Insecticides Exterminate Bed Bugs Completely

There were some serious efforts to exterminate bed bugs using harsh insecticides back in the day. There was an initial degree of success, but the bugs survived that attack and became quite resistant to these chemical containment methods.

Vinegar, Baking Soda, and Alcohol Eliminate Bed Bugs

These home remedies might work with some insects, but they have limited success with bed bugs. However, consistent use of such benign substances might keep the bugs’ numbers down a little.

Essential Oils Can Rid You of Bed bugs

We often put a lot of faith in essential oils, which have many benefits. Neem oil, in particular, is quite effective in warding off a load of pests. It should deter bed bugs too, but might not be capable of eliminating them. Still, this is not a bad outcome.

The Best Ways To Eliminate Bed Bugs

There are some tries and true ways to get rid of bed bugs. And luckily, most of them are relatively simple and budget-friendly.

Bed Traps

These are little containers filled with water or vaseline and placed around the legs of the bed. They could stop the bugs from reaching the bed or drown them as they come down. Both ways, that’s a win.

Applying High Heat

Raising the surface temperature above 50 degrees C. could kill an entire infestation of bed bugs. This is possible by putting the bedding out in the sun on a hot summer day, washing clothes with high heat, or using a dryer.

Carbon Dioxide Fumigation

Bugs would come out when they sense an increase in carbon dioxide in their surroundings. An excess of it would suffocate them, though, and that strategy is not bad at all for getting the little savages.


Bed bugs are clever, gluttonous, and highly adaptable, but humans aren’t too bad at strategising either. We now know that drawing bed bugs out of their hiding places can be done using simple methods. Eliminating them can still be a challenge, but it can be handled. If you spot bed bugs in your home dont try to eliminate them by yourself the best thing you can do is to call bed bug specialist immediately and leave it to the professionals.